Student Health Services Policies

Ms. Stephanie Nerney, RN, MSN, CSN
Middle School Nurse
201-445-7700 x8923
[email protected]

Ms. Robin Leone, RN, CSN
High School Nurse 
201-445-7700 x8920
[email protected]

If your child will be out sick, please notify attendance at Ext: 3159 or 8912.

New Jersey law requires students to have updated immunizations of D.P.T., Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella, and Hepatitis B. The health office should be informed of updates.

Students requiring either prescribed medication or over-the-counter medication during school hours on a regular basis must have on file in the nurse’s office:

1. The appropriate medication administration forms filled out by both parent and physician specifying the medicationdosagepurposeexpected reaction and time administered. If prescribed for a specific symptom, it should be explained.

2. All medication must be brought to school in the original container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician with the student’s name, name of medication, dosage, and time of administration. Authorization does not extend beyond the current school year.

Prevention of the Spread of Infection:
Please keep your child if he/she has any of the following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, chills, fever, rash, cough, headache, or red or discharging eyes. Please call the health office if your child is diagnosed with an infectious disease such as chicken pox or conjunctivitis. Please notify us if your child is diagnosed with pediculosis (head lice).  If your child has a fever, diarrhea or vomiting, they must remain home for 24 hours.  If symptoms resolve after 24 hours without over-the counter medication administered, they can return to school.

Physical Examination:
Good health is an important factor in your child’s ability to secure maximum benefits from education. In order that we may have a better knowledge of the health of our students and in accordance with New Jersey law and Board of education policy, new students must complete and submit a physical health form to the health office within 30 days after entering the district. Students wishing to participate in sports programs must have a physical on file. Physicals are valid for 365 days. It is recommended the importance of obtaining a physical at least once during each developmental stage, at pre-adolescence (grade four through six) and adolescence (grades seven through twelve).

Physical Education Restrictions and Exemptions: A note from a parent will excuse a child from physical education for 1 week. If a student needs to be excused from physical education longer than 1 week, a note from a physician is required specifying injury, reason for absence and date when student may return to P.E. class.

Health Screenings Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.2 (l) each district board of education shall ensure that students receive health screenings.

1. Screening for height, weight and blood pressure shall be conducted annually for each student in kindergarten through grade 12
2. Screening for visual acuity shall be conducted biennially for students in kindergarten through grade 10. 
3. Screening for auditory acuity shall be conducted annually for students in kindergarten through grade three and in grades seven and 11.
4. Screening for scoliosis shall be conducted biennially for students between 10 and 18. The school district shall notify the parent of any student suspected of deviation from the recommended standard.  

Mandated Information Regarding Meningitis & HPV:

HPV Notice
Meningococcal Notice

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