College Events

events for high school students

Please be sure to check the list of upcoming College Visits in Naviance: Naviance Family Connection and look for the Bulletins from the school counseling department.

9/22/22 - Naviance Tutorial for Parents/Guardians, 7PM, Zoom 

Join the GRHS Counseling Department on the ins and outs of Naviance.  We will review the features available in each tab in Naviance as well as how the program can be used to maximize interest and career exploration, the college search, and the college application process. This presentation is geared towards students and parents/guardians in grades 11 and 12. Click HERE for the link to the webinar.

9/28/22 - Senior Parent Night, 7PM, 


This event is designed to review the college application process with parents and guardians. Each counselor will host her students’ parents/guardians, ensuring that they are fully informed regarding important information, deadlines, and available resources.  This small group setting with your School Counselor allows for more direct communication and for parents/guardians to ask any questions they may have.  

Counselor Locations:

Ms. Daniell: Auditorium

Ms. Jones: Media Center

Ms. Malone: B150/B151

Ms. Puccio: B152/B153

9/29/22 - Finding Your Best College Fit, 7PM,  Zoom

There is a dream college for every student, but with thousands of schools across the country, how will you decide which one to choose? Join The Princeton Review live online for a discussion with one of our experts on how to find your best fit college. We will talk to students and parents about building a college list and what admission officers care about the most. Click HERE for the flyer and registration! 

10/6/22 - Financial Aid Night, 7PM, Zoom

A very informative meeting sponsored by

The GRHS Counseling Department will take

place @ 7:00pm VIRTUALLY. The guest speaker will give a presentation and answer questions on filling out the FAFSA form and on other sources of financial aid and funding for college. Junior and Senior parents in particular are encouraged to attend. 

Click HERE for the link to the Financial Aid Night Webinar.

In order to ensure that all 11th grade students have the opportunity to sit for the ACT or the SAT at GRHS if they wish to do so, the Counseling Department is offering both tests during the school day in the Spring.

  • The ACT administration will take place on March 7, 2023.  Click HERE for detailed registration and payment information.

  • The SAT administration will take place on April 12, 2023.  Click HERE for detailed registration and payment information.

  • All registrations must be submitted by January 23, 2023.

  • All payments are due by January 30, 2023.

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