Most students take some SAT/ACT testing during junior year, usually beginning in the spring, although the decision as to when to take the tests rests with each student’s needs. Many choose to rake additional testing during the fall of senior year. The number of times and time frame in which a student takes the SAT/ACT also varies with the individual needs and planning decisions of each student.
The PSAT is a preliminary practice test for the SAT. It is a shorter test than the SAT but contains the same type of questions. Juniors are recommended to take the test and sophomores may take it as well. It is given once every year in October.
* Register early, as sites fill up quickly

The ACT is composed of four tests: English, Math, Reading, and Science Reasoning, with or without Writing. The new was introduced in the spring of 2015. Students have the choice of taking the test on paper or on the computer. An expanded score report will include a Career Readiness Indicator, Text Complexity Progress Indicator, and essay subscores. The essay has been changed slightly to provide more direction to the students. In the math test, there will be an additional question about probability and statistics. For the reading test, there will now be a paired passage.
Register for the ACT: actstudent.org
* Register early, as sites fill up quickly